Personal Injury

Mothers Fight For Justice Against Truck Dangers

By David M. Kennedy / July 14, 2017 /

A recent television news report focused on the efforts of two mothers who have joined together in seeing that the needless deaths of their respective daughters won’t be in vain. The goal is to prevent deaths caused directly by there conspicuously being a lack of a certain safety feature on big trucks. Here is the issue.…

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Death By Mac And Cheese?

By David M. Kennedy / July 13, 2017 /

As reported today in the New York Times, you – and more importantly your kids that are counting on us adults – are potentially at great risk of injury from of all things, macaroni and cheese. How we got here is really not that surprising. According to the report, the culprit is a chemical called phthalates. It is…

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If You Kill An Old Man With A Ham Sandwich, You Had Better Be In Texas

By David M. Kennedy / May 27, 2017 /

“I asked the nurse assistant why she left a ham sandwich with the nursing home resident on a mechanical diet – who then promptly choked to death – and she said, ‘I thought mechanical diet meant that he was a mechanic and they like ham sandwiches.’” That is not a dark joke. That is actual testimony…

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A New Danger Of Cancer With Breast Implants

By David M. Kennedy / May 4, 2017 /

I read a recent article disclosing yet another potential danger with breast implants: anaplastic large-cell lymphoma, or ALCL. It is relatively rare and death from it even more so, but here is the lowdown. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, a possible link was discovered in 2011 and since then 359 women have been…

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