Featured Article
David, thank you for allowing me to write a guest blog for your new website. It’s been a privilege knowing you and your family over the last twenty years. I wish you the very best and know that your clients will be well served by your legal expertise and professionalism.
One of the memories for which I am most thankful is how you represented me and the church I pastored during a lawsuit. As a young pastor, I never considered that an individual would sue me over something I had quoted from Scripture. I remember how you devoted hours and hours of your personal time, helping me understand legal terminology and the implications of what had happened. Your successful and brilliant defense of my words and actions will never be forgotten.
You have a powerful gift of empathizing with people who need your services. I remember how bewildered, and even afraid I was at the beginning of the lawsuit. The confidence you had in defending us, and the diligence with which you advocated our innocence was truly amazing. Your actions helped me to sleep at night, and allowed me to stay focused on the task of ministry.
Over the years, I have met other attorneys, but you will always be the first person I turn to should the need arise. I hope someone facing a similar situation has the opportunity to read my testimony here. You have earned my total confidence in your abilities and my highest recommendation. Godspeed, my friend. And may your Law Firm continue to stand in the gap when others need zealous representation.
James Shupp, CEO
Briar Patch Consulting
Our Promise
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And one more thing: Love your new website.